Friday, July 16, 2010

Why I love my Kindle

This really does relate to marketing.

I love to read. But books are heavy. Seriously. When I travel, whether it's to work, to another city or just to the lake for the weekend - I want some stuff to read. I used to take three or four books with me. And they were heavy. But I never really knew, would I be in the mood for business reading, inspiration, learning , literature or some trashy fiction.

I tried reading on my iPhone, but as reading experiences go, it sucks. The screen is too small and it forces poor typography. Phrases are only 4 or 5 words long.

When I heard about the Kindle, I was interested, but I never gave it serious consideration. I'm still not sure why, although as a marketer it's an interesting case study. Because as soon as I heard about the iPad, I WANTED it! I needed it!

Lucky for me, I had a chance to try a Kindle before the iPad launched in Canada. I For some reason, I read like mad on that thing. The page size is perfect. The screen isn't bright, and the unit is really light. I devoured about 8 books in 2 weeks. It was bizarre. I couldn't wait for the iPad, I bought the Kindle with great reluctance. Because I thought, as soon as the iPad arrives I'll want to replace my Kindle.

Now, the iPad is here. We have one at the office and the first thing I noticed is how heavy it is. I try to imaging relaxing in a chair and holding that thing with one hand. I would get cramps.

But the worst part is, it's too connected. I would never settle into a book. I could check emails, or surf, or play a game or, or, or. That's when I realized what I love about the Kindle. It is purely a book reader. It sucks at everything else, but it works very well as a book reader.

Has convergence gone too far? Are we getting to the point of the Swiss Army knife? Products that do everything but nothing well? That is a bold overstatement for the iPad, but for me, as a book reader, the Kindle is the one.

There is great power in simply being good at what you do.

Now, I'm wondering if I should go back to a plain old cellphone...

1 comment:

  1. I like the insight Dave. Thanks for writing this. I'd like to think we're in an era where the phrase "too connected" is understood by many.
